Not entirely human…

Well now… Ain’t that special!!?!
Sitting over here quite amused… Finally have “proof” that I’m not entirely human… LAUGHING OUT LOUD! Let me introduce myself… I’m Cat and I’m a mutant… LOL Always knew there was a reason why I feel the way I do about the human race (sarcasm)… Now I know why! I’m actually finding it hilarious! OK, yeah, I’ll admit… According to my DNA, I am still considered to be human but… *giggles*
Finally got my doctor to do the requested blood work on me, as I had read about one reason why some people have problems when it comes to various medications and said medications not working the way they should and do for “most” people.
My problem has always been that most medications I have taken, both for my anxiety as well as pain medications don’t do Jack Shit for me… They could just as well be tick-tacks, sugar pills or placebos… I don’t even get a buzz/high from them, so why in the hell would I beg the doctor to up my daily dose, if it isn’t for the fact that I’M IN PAIN… Nope… you are at the highest dose clinically proven to be effective, or, you could become addicted… ehhhhh… Why? I don’t even get a happy buzz from them so, what would the reason I would become addicted to them be?? Or, you could become seriously sick if you took more… hmm… Guess I really shouldn’t tell you exactly how many I’ve taken when the pain has been at its worst… Or the combination of various pills I’ve taken at the same time, with little or no effect at all. The dose I’m on now, would most likely knock most people out cold for a few days at least but, do I feel ANYTHING? Nope…
Similar when I started out with my anti-depressant medications and they’d do the blood work to measure the amount of whatever it is in the medication that they can find traces of in my blood. They would always ask me if I really was taking my medication, as they’d find little to nothing in my system… Yep, I’m taking them!
Or when I’ve quit them and done so by just going “cold turkey”, not feeling or experiencing any side effects whatsoever… Just up and quit them from one day to another. That’s not normal, even I understand that!
So, after much arguing with my doctor, as this test is quite expensive over here and being that doctors and medical procedures are more or less “free” over here, (government pays) they’re not to quick at letting you get the really expensive treatments/blood work… Anyhow, managed to get him to understand that it is vital for my wellbeing that I get this test done, or I just might be likely to off myself by mistake one day, trying to medicate myself… Said and done, I got the test… Results came back as defective/compromised or whatever, so I had to have them retaken. Told the doctor that I really didn’t think that there had been any mistake done on my tests, just that they weren’t expecting the result they got back… But OK, I have no problem retaking the test, if that will determine what I already suspect…
Test results came back and BINGO!! I have a mutation on the CYP2D6 allele, located on chromosome 22, (thank you Wikipedia) which is a gene in the human system that determines among a few other things, how your body/system metabolizes/breaks down various medications. There are a few different variations of this gene which determine the metabolism or lifespan of medications, such as some people can get knocked on their butts by a minimal amount of lets say for instance Xanax, quite a few of the antidepressants or Oxycodone/Oxycontin, (among other medications) … As well as the whole spectrum of variations in this gene all the way over to where I am… I have a mutation on my CYP2D6 gene, which causes most antidepressants as well as pain medications to have little or no effect whatsoever in me.
I’ve always said that I must have an overactive liver or something, as medications wear off way to fast, if they work at all… or if I drink, I’m sober again after perhaps 45 minutes… But now I have proof!! I’m a mutant!!! LOL
I guess some/most people won’t think this is something funny but… I guess it’s just one of those things where you have to be there to fully understand the reason/s why I feel the way I do. Or perhaps have walked a day in my shoes…
Now I guess we’ll just have to see if there are any other kind of (legal) medications that actually do work for me…

About Fighting My PTSD Demons

I am a survivor of lifelong PTSD and have chosen to share my story both, so I can help myself but also to let others that are suffering from this condition know that I am here and willing to lend an ear and/or help with suggestion’s in regards to learning to cope with PTSD, when you need someone that has firsthand knowledge of what it's like to deal with the everyday crap we go through....
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